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National Chung Cheng University

Welcome To Machine Vision and Learning Lab

日期 公告
2019/12/06 Lab Members Jiang,Ming-Xiu and Chen,Yan-Ming were interviewed about "Writing calligraphy on robot" by [USTV & UDN]
2019/10/18 Competition Work -- Writing calligraphy on robot
won the second place in the 2019 CTCI AI competition
2019/8/29 Completition Work -- Automatic Car: High-resolution scene depth prediction based on lidar and video
won the honorable mention in the 2019 AI hackthon
2019/5/22 Competition Work -- Let's tooth
won the third place in the 2018 national college software competition
2019/5/22 Competition Work -- I'm superstar
won the third place in the 2016 national college software competition
2019/5/22 Our MVL lab website is online


The research direction and results of our laboratory in recent years


Writing calligraphy on obot

The research includes three areas of artistic creation, robotic automation, and artificial intelligence(AI). The AI technology is used to construct writing style of famous calligrapher, and writing with the arm.
Calligraphy style transfer: In the process of calligraphy style transfer, the method is based on CycleGAN. With a improvement of adding embedding layers to overcome that a single model can only convert a different style limit. By collecting the wrist movements during writing, the robot can simulate the calligrapher's writing. After the calligraphy are written.
Generating stroke orders and robot trajectory: Thining the transferred calligraphy lets the robotic arm simulate the calligrapher's writing action to write the calligraphy characters, we need to convert the coordinates of the thinned images to get the six-axis data. The six-axis sequence data of the calligraphy is provided to the robot arm for writing the calligraphy characters.


Incorporating attack information into makeup to attack deep learning models

Machine learning has evolved very rapidly, with good results in both computer vision and natural language processing. There are many deep learning techniques that are used in everyday life of humans such as autonomous vehicles and face recognition systems. Nowadays, the gradual dependence of human daily life on deep neural networks can lead to serious consequences, so the security of neural networks becomes very important. Therefore, the deep neural network has obvious weaknesses. We propose a method based on generating a confrontation network to generate a facial makeup picture that can deceive the face recognition system. We hide the perturbation of the attack in the results of the abnormal makeup photos that humans can’t detect. The experimental results show that we can not only generate high-quality facial makeup images, but also our attack results have a high attack success rate in the face recognition system.


Using the Generative Adversarial Network(GAN) to generate music rhythm games

The music rhythm game is currently a very popular game, and we propose to generate a music rhythm game spectrum based on the method of Generative Adversarial Network. The music is separated into two parts: the vocal and the soundtrack, which makes the generated spectrum closer to the real spectrum. The model consists of two concepts of Generative Adversarial Network: Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets (CGANs) for music information and Improved Wasserstein GAN (WGAN-GP) for better convergence of the model.


Be an Artist! Scribble Lines to Painting.

We propose a fully automated system that converts random graffiti into a painting. However, this is a serious challenge because the input graffiti can be very messy and hide multiple objects, so finding the correlation between these repeated lines and multiple objects is not a simple matter. In the system, we use selective search, sparse coding and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), in which we use selective search to find the part of the object that may be the object of the graffiti; then use sparse coding to find the corresponding element; CNN sets the style to be converted. The final experimental results show that the methods we use have superior performance and produce artistic works.


Clothing style analysis and popular element capture

With more and more styles of clothing and accessories, regardless of the physical or online store, consumers will spend a lot of time looking for their favorite styles in many styles, so if consumers can give some photos of their favorite costumes, systematic analysis Find out the relevant information in the photo (such as the store address, matching related accessories, etc.). For the store, if you can collect the relevant clothing styles of the customers, you can adjust the purchase styles and the furnishings in the store according to this information, further recommend the related accessories to consumers according to the preferences of consumers and save consumers to find matching accessories. time. For garment manufacturers, they can analyze the data collected by various stores to know which styles are popular and those styles are unpopular, and thus become the next batch of new style design references.


Deep Learning for Sensor-Based Rehabilitation
Exercise Recognition and Evaluation

In this work, we aimed to evaluate four kinds of rehabilitation exercises at three levels: good, average, and bad. We propose a novel evaluation method by learning the best feature of each class. The idea was to design an evaluation matrix where each entry corresponded to one level of one exercise. By setting the largest number in one entry, the evaluation matrix could be used along with the output
layer of the deep learning model to infer the best feature of that exercise at a particular level. The evaluation score is obtained by examining the distance
measure of the current feature and the best feature of that class. We also collect a new rehabilitation exercise dataset for the rehabilitation exercise evaluation. It contains four different rehabilitation actions at three levels, defined by rehabilitation physicians.


Outdoor low resolution face recognition

The goal of this project is to compare low-resolution face images to verify that they are the same person. In today’s unrestricted environment, the effectiveness of face recognition often decreases due to posture factors, so we establish a normalization method to restore any face angle, thereby returning the face angle of any state to increase The effectiveness of face recognition. The project uses two Caffe model architectures: Matching-Convolutional NeuralNetwork (M-CNN) and Siamese Neural Network (SNN). Finally, the accuracy of the SNN model is more than 90%, which is higher than that of M-CNN.


Multiple attributes image classification

When sorting face images, there are inevitably some accessories in the images to be identified, such as sunglasses, scarves, earrings, etc., or external environmental factors such as light, angle, etc. These accessories or environmental factors are in people. The face image is called multiple attributes. We uses the existing Local Discriminant Embedding (LDE) algorithm as an extension to achieve multiple attribute classification purposes.


Sparse Coding

In recent years, sparse coding has been very popular in the field of computer vision and image processing. Sparse coding consists of a linear combination of input data, dictionary and input data. Sparse coding can be used for image denoising, restoration, and classification. The laboratory focuses on two research directions based on sparse coding: multiple attribute image classification and sparse coding of huge amounts of data.


Welcome to join us!

Chiang, Chen-Kuo

Zhu, Zhen-An

Li, Hao-Ting

Chen, Chu-En

Shen, Jheng-Jhang


Jiang, Ming-Xiu

Liu, Yung-Ping

Huang, Wei-Hsiang

Chen, Chein-Hao

Chang, Shih-Ya

Chang, Yun-Kai

Cia, Min-Syun

Chiang, Hsuan-Lun

Li, Yun-Lun

Wang, Yu-An

Graduated Members

Tsai, Yi-Ling

Lin, Shi-Chieh

Wang, Chen-Han

Lu, Yun-Chung

Sung, Tung-Yu

Tsai, Chia-Chun

Lai, Yi-Chen

Tu, Chia-Wei

Kang, Ruie-Lin

Chen, Cheng-Yeh

You, Chih-Hsiang

Chen, Shih-Min

Wang, Hui-Hung

Hsu, Hsiang-Yu

Wang, Hung-Kai

Hu, Chan-Shuo

Yang, Wen-Hsiu

Huang, Zi-Ting



Information Building 3F 310
No.168, Sec. 1, University Rd.,
Minhsiung Township, Chiayi Country, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


National Chung Cheng University
Information Building 3F 310


05-2720411 #23160


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